Movies - The Bronze

Nov 12, 2018


Welcome to Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor's movie page for 'The Bronze'. Here, you will find a comprehensive review, cast information, plot synopsis, and more about this exciting film.

About the Movie

'The Bronze' is an American comedy-drama film directed by Bryan Buckley and written by Melissa Rauch and Winston Rauch. The movie stars Melissa Rauch, Gary Cole, Thomas Middleditch, Sebastian Stan, and Haley Lu Richardson.

Plot Synopsis

The movie revolves around Hope Annabelle Greggory (played by Melissa Rauch), a former gymnastics bronze medalist who is struggling with life after her glory days. With her glory fading, she is compelled to mentor a young gymnast named Maggie, challenging her own views and rediscovering her love for the sport.

Cast and Characters

'The Bronze' features an impressive cast, bringing the characters to life:

  • Melissa Rauch as Hope Annabelle Greggory
  • Gary Cole as Stan
  • Thomas Middleditch as Ben Lawfort
  • Sebastian Stan as Lance Tucker
  • Haley Lu Richardson as Maggie Townsend

Movie Review

'The Bronze' is an entertaining and hilariously dark comedy that offers a fresh take on the world of gymnastics. Melissa Rauch delivers a standout performance as the snarky and bitter protagonist, Hope Annabelle Greggory. With her perfect comedic timing and nuanced portrayal, Rauch brings depth and vulnerability to the character, making her both relatable and captivating to watch.

The movie effectively balances raunchy humor with moments of genuine heart, exploring themes of redemption, personal growth, and the complexities of relationships. The clever writing, combined with strong performances from the entire cast, results in a delightful and memorable movie experience.

Why Watch 'The Bronze' at Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor

At Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor, we strive to provide our patrons with an exceptional movie-watching experience. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to watch 'The Bronze' with us:

  1. State-of-the-art audio-visual equipment: Our theater is equipped with the latest audio and visual technology, ensuring a dynamic and immersive experience.
  2. Comfortable seating: Enjoy the movie in our plush, ergonomic seats, designed for maximum comfort throughout the show.
  3. Convenient location: Located in the heart of town, our gaming parlor is easily accessible and offers ample parking facilities.
  4. Variety of snacks and drinks: Treat yourself to a wide selection of refreshments, including popcorn, candy, sodas, and more.
  5. Friendly staff: Our dedicated team is committed to delivering excellent customer service, ensuring your visit is enjoyable from start to finish.

Visit Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor for an Unforgettable Movie Experience

Don't miss out on watching 'The Bronze' at Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor. Grab your friends, family, or loved ones and head over for a memorable movie night. Experience the laughter, emotions, and excitement of this fantastic film in an environment designed for your comfort and enjoyment.

Book your tickets today and discover why 'The Bronze' is a must-watch movie event. We look forward to welcoming you to Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor for an unforgettable movie experience.

Andrea Erbeldinger
Interesting choice of title for the movie. Wonder what it signifies.
Oct 20, 2023
Juan Casarez
Love the idea of a comprehensive review. Always helpful to read before diving into a movie.
Sep 11, 2023
Randy Spicocchi
Excited to see how the comedy and drama elements are balanced in 'The Bronze'.
Aug 15, 2023
Payday HCM
The article has definitely heightened my interest in 'The Bronze'. Can't wait to check it out.
Jul 20, 2023
Ce6951 Esperance
The American comedy-drama genre has the ability to touch on universal human experiences. Excited to see it in 'The Bronze'.
May 28, 2023
Erika Lomas
The combination of comedy and drama in a movie often makes for a compelling story. Looking forward to 'The Bronze'.
Mar 19, 2023
Christine Masi
Eager to be touched by the emotions of a good comedy-drama in 'The Bronze'.
Feb 9, 2023
David Harraway
The article does a great job of generating excitement for 'The Bronze'. I'm officially intrigued.
Jan 15, 2023
The movie page seems to cover all the necessary details about 'The Bronze'.
Jan 10, 2023
Vivek Vivek
This film looks like it has the potential to be a hidden gem. Excited to find out.
Dec 30, 2022
Doug Kirk
The plot synopsis has me intrigued. I'll definitely give this a watch.
Dec 14, 2022
Arash Amini
The mix of gaming and movies sounds like a fun combination at the Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor.
Dec 13, 2022
David Jupp
The idea of a gaming parlor as a movie venue is intriguing. Definitely worth exploring in the future.
Dec 10, 2022
Erin Gattis
I'm so curious about the Sandwich Freedom Hall Gaming Parlor. Sounds like a lively place to catch a movie.
Nov 18, 2022
Noah Logan
The excitement for this film is palpable. Can't wait to join in on the conversation after watching it.
Oct 23, 2022
Michael Odenwald
The anticipation for 'The Bronze' is infectious. Can't wait to join in on the discussions post-watch.
Aug 7, 2022
Anoop Pete
Excited to see how 'The Bronze' strikes a balance between comedy and drama.
May 19, 2022
Lisa Nemeth
Appreciate the detailed cast information provided for 'The Bronze'. It sets the stage for a great performance.
May 17, 2022
Evan Wade
I'm a fan of American comedies. Looking forward to seeing what 'The Bronze' has to offer.
Apr 19, 2022
Peter Kassnove
The gaming parlor seems like a cool venue to explore different forms of entertainment.
Mar 28, 2022
Rey Elizondo
The American comedy-drama genre has a way of connecting with audiences. Excited to see it in 'The Bronze'.
Jan 12, 2022
Chris Womer
Always on the lookout for good comedies. 'The Bronze' has my attention.
Jan 4, 2022
Kyle Utley
Hope 'The Bronze' delivers some good laughs and heartwarming moments.
Dec 13, 2021
Alexis Lachance
The gaming parlor sounds like a unique place to showcase movies. I'd love to visit it someday.
Dec 13, 2021
Julio Garcia
Excited to explore the comedic side of 'The Bronze'. Hoping for a refreshing take on the genre.
Nov 30, 2021
William Tucker
Eager to see how 'The Bronze' manages to balance its comedy and drama elements.
Nov 12, 2021
Stephen Keuger
I've heard good things about this movie. Excited to check it out!
Oct 17, 2021
Joel Erb
I'm a sucker for a good comedy. Hopefully, this one doesn't disappoint.
Sep 15, 2021
Walt Braco
A detailed review always helps in making an informed decision about what to watch.
Aug 21, 2021
Andrea Farkas
The concept of a gaming parlor hosting movies feels like a novel idea. Would love to experience it firsthand.
Jul 26, 2021
Drew Rosenfeld
I trust Bryan Buckley to deliver a memorable film. Looking forward to it!
Jul 20, 2021
Tracy Smith
The level of detail in the review has set the bar high. Eager to see if 'The Bronze' lives up to it!
Jul 14, 2021
Andy Ventura
Hoping for some good laughs and touching moments in this film.
Jun 12, 2021
Matthew Whelan
The plot synopsis has piqued my interest. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.
Jun 10, 2021
Enrique Aldaz
I trust Bryan Buckley to deliver a compelling film with 'The Bronze'. Looking forward to it!
Apr 4, 2021
Susan Jones
Always curious about the emotions a good comedy-drama can evoke. Looking forward to 'The Bronze'.
Mar 22, 2021
Darren Deberry
Comedy and drama combined often make for a riveting watch. Looking forward to 'The Bronze'.
Mar 9, 2021
David Vaughan
A comprehensive review always helps in making an informed decision about watching a movie.
Mar 6, 2021
Roger Wiseman
Looking forward to experiencing the unique charm that 'The Bronze' is said to offer.
Feb 13, 2021
The comprehensive review has set high standards. Looking forward to seeing if 'The Bronze' meets them!
Feb 8, 2021
Accessium Group
This article has definitely built the excitement for 'The Bronze'. Can't wait to watch it soon.
Dec 30, 2020
Radigales Cristina
The excitement around 'The Bronze' is palpable. Can't wait to join the post-watch discussions.
Dec 14, 2020
Louise Colley
The idea of catching a movie in a gaming parlor feels so refreshing. Definitely something to consider for future movie nights.
Dec 12, 2020
Linda Pass
The title 'The Bronze' has a unique ring to it. I'm intrigued to learn more about its significance in the movie.
Nov 14, 2020
Mario Villegas
The cast information has me excited for the performances in 'The Bronze'. Expecting great things.
Oct 8, 2020
Julie Rajdl
Looking forward to experiencing the unique charm that 'The Bronze' promises to offer.
Sep 29, 2020
Srinivasan Rajagopal
The cast seems amazing! Looking forward to seeing their performances.
Sep 19, 2020
Will Lee
High hopes for Bryan Buckley's directorial touch in 'The Bronze'. Can't wait to see how this film plays out.
Aug 25, 2020
Spencer Crim
I appreciate a well-written plot synopsis. It sets the stage for what's to come.
Jul 27, 2020
Beth Gray
The mix of comedy and drama could make for an interesting watch.
Jul 15, 2020
I'm always up for a good comedy-drama. This one's on my must-watch list.
Jul 13, 2020
Alan Johnson
The concept of a gaming parlor doubling up as a movie space is intriguing. Would love to experience it someday.
Jun 25, 2020
Laura Persson
The cast information has me eager to see the chemistry on screen.
Mar 11, 2020
Ken Nakimoto
Always on the lookout for quality comedy. 'The Bronze' has caught my attention.
Feb 23, 2020
Herb Lande
I hope 'The Bronze' shines as a standout film among others. Excited to see how it pans out.
Jan 29, 2020
Matthew Clarke
Hadn't heard of this movie before, but I'm now intrigued to give it a chance.
Jan 26, 2020
Eric Page
Just when I thought I'd seen all the good comedies, 'The Bronze' comes along. Can't wait to watch it.
Dec 25, 2019
Dave Miskowiec
The comprehensive review sets a high standard. Hoping the movie lives up to it!
Dec 24, 2019
Grappe Laurent
The director's previous works have been impressive. High hopes for 'The Bronze'.
Dec 7, 2019
G Driver
Excited to see if 'The Bronze' delivers on both laughs and heartwarming moments.
Nov 21, 2019
Jacques Julien
Excited to dive into a new comedy with 'The Bronze'. Hopefully, it's a fresh take on the genre.
Nov 19, 2019
Tim Holloway
High expectations for Bryan Buckley's directorial vision in 'The Bronze'. Can't wait to see what he brings to the table.
Oct 6, 2019
Cody Blattel
I have high expectations for 'The Bronze' considering the director's past work. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
Sep 15, 2019
Richard Hines
The combination of comedy and drama could make for an enjoyable viewing experience.
Jul 31, 2019
Terry Badwak
Hoping 'The Bronze' turns out to be a standout gem among movies. Looking forward to finding out.
Jun 29, 2019
Maurizio Vitti
The unique title of the movie definitely makes it stand out. Curious to learn its significance.
May 6, 2019
Asszas Provided
Looking forward to experiencing the emotions that come with a comedy-drama.
Apr 30, 2019
Jonathan Failla
Looks like an interesting film. Can't wait to watch it!
Apr 26, 2019
Clint Bolin
The plot synopsis has me intrigued. Curious to see how the story unfolds in 'The Bronze'.
Mar 16, 2019
N Na
This film seems to have a unique charm. Curious to see how it plays out.
Mar 13, 2019
William Earthman
Looking forward to seeing Bryan Buckley's directorial style in 'The Bronze'.
Feb 19, 2019
Ahmed Said
I had no idea a gaming parlor could also be a place to catch a movie. Definitely piqued my interest.
Dec 10, 2018
Tom Reininger
The American comedy-drama genre always manages to capture relatable human experiences. Looking forward to seeing it in 'The Bronze'.
Nov 26, 2018
Gwen Lafleur
I'm drawn to films that offer a unique charm. 'The Bronze' sounds promising.
Nov 25, 2018